About Us
We love Modesty and We love fashion, so it was natural for us to want to offer a quality Modest clothing line for Modest conscience people. We hope you will visit us often and tell your friends as we start this new online store.
About Us
Sparkle, Lace, & Sass Boutique is owned and operated by Ryan and Stephanie McKinnies and their two daughters, Alexis and Brooklyn. Ryan and Stephanie have been married for 17 years, and their girls are their world! As a family, they have served their local church in a variety of roles for 20+ years–first as Youth Pastors, then the Young Marrieds leaders, and now, as the Children’s Department Directors. Aside from their family, serving the Kingdom of God is their number one passion and priority.
Alexis is the true mastermind behind Sparkle, Lace, & Sass–and the name itself perfectly describes her style. It’s been her dream to have her own clothing boutique, with the goal of growing it into a steady business she can run with her little sister one day. And now, thanks to her parents’ support, she’s getting to build that dream into a reality. Both her and Stephanie love fashion, shopping, and keeping up with current trends and brands. They believe you don’t have to sacrifice modesty in order to feel beautiful, and their goal is to offer a wide variety of clothing for all ages that is both classy and cutting edge, all at affordable prices!
When you buy from Sparkle, Lace, and Sass, it’s more than just finding a new fun and unique outfit–you’re helping make a young girl’s entrepreneurial dream come true!

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